Is Caregiving Taking Over Your Life? Consider CDPAP

Sandwich generation caregivers are stressed out by caring for their children as well as older family members. It used to be that these people were in their forties. However, as increasing proportions of younger adults care of their older family members, a trend which continued throughout the pandemic, not only the number of caregivers caring for two generations has grown, but their ages span a greater bandwidth.

Sandwich generation caregivers span ages 35 to 64. They include more Gen Z and millennial caregivers now. They are more likely to be working while they provide care.

More than half of family caregivers work either full-time or part-time. And most working family caregivers on average provide care hours that are equivalent to a part-time job.

matching showing burn out from homecare

They are stretched for time and money. Often, they disrupt their careers or leave the labor force entirely to meet full-time caregiving demands of their loved ones. They lose income, social security accruals, and savings. They risk so much long-term and short-term.

On top of that, it’s been challenging to deal with shortages in the care workforce as we saw during the pandemic. As higher-intensity care is needed, your loved one may need more hours but finding the caregivers to do so is tough.

So, what is a sandwich generation member to do?

CDPAP in New York State offers an hourly wage for caring for someone without special training. Your aging parent who qualifies for Medicaid long term care can hire you during your off hours and you can be paid to do what you would be doing anyhow.

The flexibility of setting a schedule that works for both patient and caregiver is perfect for someone with children.  Your partner, for example, can be with the kids on Sundays or at night while you do the caregiving for your frail mother. And you bring home some money. You cannot eliminate the stress of two jobs and two generations. But you can secure help for your loved one and dollars for yourself if your senior and you choose CDPAP. Call Caring Professionals for speedy enrollment and do everyone a favor
(718) 621-8189

woman exhausted from home care

What is CDPAP? Find out more about CDPAP from our CDPAP Articles and CDPAP Guides

What is the “sandwich generation” in caregiving?

The “sandwich generation” in caregiving refers to people who are stressed out by caring for their children as well as older family members. This group has traditionally been in their forties, but increasingly younger adults are taking on these caregiving roles, spanning ages 35 to 64. This includes more Gen Z and millennial caregivers.

What are some challenges faced by family caregivers?

Family caregivers, particularly those in the sandwich generation, often find themselves stretched for time and money. More than half of these caregivers work either full-time or part-time, and on average, their caregiving hours are equivalent to a part-time job. They often have to disrupt their careers or leave the labor force entirely to meet the full-time caregiving demands of their loved ones, leading to loss of income, social security accruals, and savings. Furthermore, finding additional caregivers when higher-intensity care is needed can be challenging.

What is CDPAP and how can it assist family caregivers?

CDPAP (Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program) in New York State offers an hourly wage for caring for someone without needing special training. If your aging parent qualifies for Medicaid long term care, they can hire you during your off hours and you can be paid for the work that you would be doing anyway. This can help to alleviate some of the financial strain and provides flexibility in setting a schedule that works for both the patient and the caregiver.

How can CDPAP help caregivers who have children?

CDPAP is particularly beneficial for caregivers who also have children. The flexibility of the program allows for a schedule that works for both patient and caregiver. For example, your partner can be with the kids on Sundays or at night while you provide care for your frail mother. This not only allows for balanced care but also provides some income for the caregiver.

How can I enroll in the CDPAP program?

You can call Caring Professionals for speedy enrollment into the CDPAP program. It’s a beneficial program to help secure help for your loved one and provide some financial relief for yourself​. Call (718) 621-8189



About the Author

Picture of Faigie Horowitz

Faigie Horowitz

Faigie Horowitz, MS serves as director of communication at Caring Professionals. She advocates for the senior population on the state level and writes about senior and caregiver issues. She is a columnist for several periodicals. She has spent decades in nonprofit management and serves as a lay leader and founder of several community organizations.

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