What is Medicaid Unwinding?
And Why Does It Matter?
This is a new phrase and it’s important. During Covid, the federal government gave the states a big increase in funding for Medicaid. The deal was contingent on states committing to stop disenrolling people from the program. This applied to all kinds of Medicaid: Medicaid for children, Essential Plan, for adults, for people with disabilities, and for seniors who need long term care. Participants were considered continuously enrolled. In other words, they could stay on Medicaid without recertifying or re-enrolling. No paperwork was required. Status quo prevailed.
In early spring of 2023, the Medicaid unwind began. People were notified by mail that they would have to recertify and submit paperwork. This was done in groups or cohorts. In other words, your neighbor may have received a notice to recertify for Medicaid and submit paperwork, but your parent got that notice four or six months later. That’s how it was rolled out. We are almost at the end of the unwinding.
All you need to do is follow the instructions given. If your family member did not receive instructions to re-enroll, they should update their address and contact information with NY State of Health (or their Local Department of Social Services or the New York City Human Resources Administration, if they enrolled through those offices) to ensure their renewal information will reach them. The requirements generally remain the same as before the pandemic.