Preparing for a Covid Rosh Hashanah

Preparing for a Covid Rosh Hashanah

Suggestions and Tips on How to Prepare for a Covid Rosh Hashanah

How to prepare for a Covid Rosh Hashanah

Jewish people approach the advent of the Jewish New Year with several thoughts and actions. Tradition tells us that decisions about a person’s welfare are made by G-d on this day. Many spend the two days of the holiday in the synagogue praying special prayers and listening to the shofar’s blasts.

In addition, festive meals shared with family include symbolic foods that are accompanied by prayers for a sweet, successful new year. These include the traditional apple and honey, round challah breads, head of a fish, and a pomegranate to name a few.

Some suggestions on how to alleviate the stresses of this Rosh Hashanah

Covid related concerns may preclude certain aspects of the holiday. Absence of these rituals and practices or their modification may be hard for seniors. Routines are comforting for everyone, especially religious routines. We are going to suggest some ways to alleviate the stresses of this Rosh Hashanah and how to enhance it for your loved ones.

Most Jewish people visit their loved ones in the cemetery before during the weeks before Rosh Hashanah. This is different than the traditional visit on the anniversary of the loved one’s death (yahrzeit). While we are saddened because of the reminder of the absence of our loved ones, we take strength from the fact that there is goodness and bliss in the afterlife for our dear ones.

“Take the time to pay a virtual visit to the cemetery with your senior”

Take the time to pay a virtual visit to the cemetery with your senior. Say some prayers with him and her. Psalms are a traditional choice, especially the verses of chapter 119 that spell out the Hebrew name of the departed one. Give him or her private time to commune with the soul of the departed one as well as with G-d. Sing some moving Hebrew songs of your parent’s past. You may want to encourage your senior to donate some money to charity at this time in the merit of the deceased as well as to merit a good year.

Plan to decorate the home of your senior together with him or her. Cut out images from free Jewish calendars, New Year’s cards, and Jewish symbols relating to Rosh Hashanah (apples, shofars, prayer books, etc.). Back them with stiff contrasting paper, punch holes, and thread with colorful yarn. You can hang this garland over the door, the mirror, near the place where the holiday candles are lit. You can also print out some coloring pages from the internet and enjoy a relaxing adult coloring activity together with holiday songs playing in the background.

Even if your senior will not be in the synagogue this year, plan her wardrobe together for the holiday. Festive clothing and jewelry will heighten anticipation of the yearly rituals. Take them out. Make sure they are clean. Make sure your seniors have their hair cut beforehand. Manicures and coiffures will put them in the holiday mood.

“Manicures and coiffures will put them in the holiday mood.”

Make sure that the traditional candlesticks are polished, there are candles in the house and the special holiday prayer books are at the ready. Put a festive tablecloth on the dining room table a few days in advance. Decorate with pretty holiday napkins and placemats besides for the good dishes.

Fill a bowl or a tall clear vase with apples, full size apples or those lady apples as a center price for the holiday table.

“Remind friends and family members to call and send cards expressing their wishes for a good new year.”

Remind friends and family members to call and send cards expressing their wishes for a good new year. Talking to people takes your senior out of his or her shell and is a good stimulus for engagement. Encourage him to reach out to family members and old friends. Prepare a list together and write down the numbers. It will be a worthwhile activity the senior can do on his own and s/he will reap the socialization benefits.

Make sure that the traditional foods are in the house including honey cake, apples, round challah, carrot tsimmes, honey, gefilte fish, and whatever holiday foods your senior is used to. Russian Jews are used to borscht on Rosh Hashanah. Jews with Middle Eastern background are used to other food traditions. Talk about it before and draw up a list together as you recall Rosh Hashanahs past. You can order takeout for most of the foods and prepare one special item together to make your senior feel youthful. Spend the time going through recipes for a trip down memory lane.

“Russian Jews are used to borscht on Rosh Hashanah. Jews with Middle Eastern background are used to other food traditions.”

Whether or not your senior will be going to synagogue this Rosh Hashanah, make sure s/he marks the holiday with activities, sounds, and tastes of tradition. You will be giving him a participatory joyous experience and make him feel like an active member of the Jewish community, regardless of his level of ritual participation.



About the Author

Picture of Faigie Horowitz

Faigie Horowitz

Faigie Horowitz, MS serves as director of communication at Caring Professionals. She advocates for the senior population on the state level and writes about senior and caregiver issues. She is a columnist for several periodicals. She has spent decades in nonprofit management and serves as a lay leader and founder of several community organizations.

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