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CDPAP, Insourcing Your Parent’s Home Care in New York

When to Outsource Senior Care using CDPAP and When Not To

An aging parent requires 360 degree involvement. There is a home to be kept safe. Bills must be paid. Doctors’ appointments must be arranged and visits must be accompanied. Insurance matters must be tended. Finances must be managed. Responsible day-to-day care must be arranged. That includes food preparation, taking of medication, showering, walking about, laundry, and more.  And there is quality time to be spent together when the aging parent engages with family members.

It’s a lot of work. And it’s a lot of worry, whether you live close by or not. An adult child has his own job and family life to tend. And his own bills, doctors’ appointment, insurance matters, finances, and day to day tasks like shopping, laundry, and food preparation to manage.

Outsourcing some of the tasks, especially the administrative functions, is frequently advised. A geriatric care manager can do some of the work. Some people hesitate fearing loss of control of finances with the use of this specialist. There are checks and balances built in to the geriatric care manager arrangement if it is focused on these functions. There is the psychological support and mediation between family members about care that a geriatric care manager can offer.

Remember that these professionals are either social workers or nurses who have taken extra training and passed a qualifying examination to do this work. They are seasoned experts and will expedite tasks and technical matters for the family thus easing the burden of overextended adult children.

They can arrange the doctors’ visits and paperwork for insurance. They can arrange for everything from hair cuts to grocery deliveries. That’s why they are frequently called the daughter you hire.

Home care, however, is something you may not want to outsource.

Licensed home care agencies are qualified and regulated by the NYS Department of Health. The home health aides they send to the home have valid certificates that they have earned by going to classes and passing examinations. The responsible home care agency will vet aides and make sure they have their shots and in-service training on the best methods to handle various conditions and situations. Caring Professionals will ensure a great match in terms of language, location, and scheduling.

Nonetheless, the PCA or HHA (the two kinds of home attendants or home health aides) sent by the agency are not people you know. With traditional home care, you are outsourcing the person who comes into your parent’s home. You rely on the agency to supply you with the direct care for your parent.

When you choose CDPAP, the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program, you don’t outsource the care. You and your parent choose someone you know and  trust-a friend, a fellow member of your church, a neighbor’s child, or a family member-to come into the home. No more worries about safety of your frail senior. No more worries about how they get along. No more worries about whether the personalities mesh. No more worries about what they will do with your parent. The family is in charge. You train, you set the schedule, you choose everything. You are the employer and sign electronic time sheets. That’s why it’s called the consumer directed program. You are in charge when you join the CDPAP program in New York.

You receive training and support as you train the individual in and set up the schedule. We explain everything with a video. We also explain everything by phone with friendly support available all the time. You get the benefit of multiple forms of support. The worker you choose gets paid the same rates as a certified home health aide, even daily should he want. It’s a great deal all around.

This is one service for your senior you don’t want to outsource. Call Caring Professionals at ____ to find out about our expedited enrollment which is done completely remotely. The person you choose can do most of the enrollment remotely, too. Get started today so that you can relax tomorrow.

Insourcing the personal care of your parent will give you peace of mind. Join the CDPAP program with Caring Professionals now. CDPAP is available all over New York.

What is CDPAP? Find out more about CDPAP from our CDPAP Articles and CDPAP Guides



About the Author

Picture of Faigie Horowitz

Faigie Horowitz

Faigie Horowitz, MS serves as director of communication at Caring Professionals. She advocates for the senior population on the state level and writes about senior and caregiver issues. She is a columnist for several periodicals. She has spent decades in nonprofit management and serves as a lay leader and founder of several community organizations.

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